Friday, May 19, 2023

Christchurch Earthquake

Christchurch Earthquake 

22/2/2011 at 12:51 pm 

On the 22nd of february in 2011 I was in Christchurch visiting my family for a few days (6) it was the second day of being down in Christchurch and it was going to be my cousins birthday the next day. Since it was my cousins birthday the next day my cousin(Mary), my mum and I decided to get the food for dinner tonight and tomorrow for the birthday While we were in traffic we felt shaking, heard people screaming, car alarms going off and saw half of the people in the traffic running around out of their cars and the other half staying in their cars trying to be safe. “WHAT WAS THAT?!” my cousin Mary asked with a concerned face “it was an earthquake..” my mum replied with a concerned face while i sat in shock “Jocelyn you okay?” my mum asked me while looking through the rearview mirror…

Then I looked out my window to see what was happening and I saw a few ambulances, a bunch of police cars and a few fire engines. I wondered why they were here if it was only going for 10 seconds? I opened my door and there was a GIANT crack in the floor and it had a car halfway in it!!!!! I was so terrified…